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Anne Terry White


(1896 - 1980)

Anne Terry White

Anne Terry White was a Ukraine-born American writer and translator. She earned a master's degree from Stanford University in 1925.

She held positions as a teacher and social worker, but is best known as the author of nonfiction books for children.


All About the Great Rivers of the World (1957)

This account of five great rivers traces the development of each river and the influence it has had on man. The Nile, the Amazon, the Yangtze, the Volga, and the Mississippi are the rivers discussed.

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Author(s): Anne Terry White
Illustrator(s): Kurt Wiese

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Robinson Crusoe (1960)

First published is 1719, this account of ‘eight and twenty years, all alone on an uninhabited island on the coast of America’ was based on the experiences of Alexander Selkirk, who was marooned on an island in the Pacific Ocean. Most recent editions have been abridged and some have had the religious themes suppressed. It gave birth the the genre of Robinsonade. This is a very abbreviated version, but boasts many illustrations.

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Author(s): Daniel Defoe
Anne Terry White
Illustrator(s): Feodor Rojankovsky

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