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Speedy in Oz


Author(s):Ruth Plumly Thompson
Illustrator(s):John R. Neill
Publisher(s): Reilly & Lee
Year Published: 1934
Type: Hardcover
Genre: Fantasy – American
Age Range: Ages 7-9: Short Chapter Books
Pages: 298
LCCN: unk83008504
OCLC: 2027936


Legendary Umbrella Island flies magically through the air - until it careens smack into the forehead of an extremely unpleasant giant. Meanwhile, Speed - the New York lad - is making a soaring trip skyward himself, propelled by an erupting geyser and encased in Terrybubble, the jolly, living skeleton of a huge dinosaur. It’s soon up to Speedy to save the Princess of Umbrella Island from bothe the demands of Loxo the Giant and the warring countries of Roaraway and Norroway.
