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Louise Fatio


(1904 - 1993)

Louise Fatio

Louise Fatio Duvoisin was a Swiss-born American writer of children’s books. Many were created in collaboration with her husband Roger Duvoisin, a Swiss-born illustrator, and she is known best for their picture book series Happy Lion. The Happy Lion (1954), first in the series, won the inaugural, 1956 Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis in its German-language translation.

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The Happy Lion (1954)

A friendly lion wanders around town after escaping the zoo.

Author(s): Louise Fatio
Illustrator(s): Roger Duvoisin

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The Happy Lion and the Bear (1964)

When a new bear arrives at the Zoo, the Happy Lion tries to make friends.

Author(s): Louise Fatio
Illustrator(s): Roger Duvoisin

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