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Mike at Wrykyn

(Mike: A Public School Story)


Author(s):P. G. Wodehouse
Illustrator(s):Andrzej Klimwoski
Publisher(s): The Overlook Press
Year Published: 2011
Type: Hardcover
Genre: Boarding School
Boys Growing Up
Fiction - novel
School - high school
Sports - Field
Age Range: Ages 9-12: Longer Chapter Books
Pages: 208
ISBN-10: 1590207564
ISBN-13: 9 781 590207 567
OCLC: 757669417


In Mike at Wrykyn Mike Jackson wins his first XI colors at Wrykyn in his first year, as set forth in the first part of the serialization of this novel ‘Jackson Junior,’ but two years later his father rusticates him to Sedleigh due to his poor marks. It is there that he meets Psmith as further chronicled in Enter Psmith (Mike and Psmith) and ‘The Lost Lambs’ determine to rag the cricket team, until an epic fight with the captain, Adair, leads Mike to change his mind.
