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German Popular Stories Translated from the Kinder und Haus Märchen Volume I

(Collected by M. M. Grimm from Oral Tradition)


Author(s):Brothers Grimm
Illustrator(s):George Cruikshank
Translator(s):David Jardine
Edgar Taylor
Publisher(s): C. Baldwyn
Year Published: 1823
Type: Hardcover
Genre: Fairy Tales - Classic
Age Range: Ages 5-7: Early Reader Books
Pages: 240
OCLC: 946745283


This is the first volume of Grimms’ tales to be translated into English. The title page above is from the third edition. The scan is from a facsimile published in 1904 which is actually from the second issue as there are dots over the "ä" in Märchen. Read online at Hathitrust.


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