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The Code of the Woosters


Author(s):P. G. Wodehouse
Illustrator(s):Andrzej Klimwoski
Publisher(s): The Overlook Press
Year Published: 2000
Type: Hardcover
Genre: British
Fiction - novel
Age Range: Ages 13-18: Young Adult
Pages: 286
ISBN-10: 0 681 46610 3
ISBN-13: 9781585670574
OCLC: 43590284


Bertie is commanded by his good aunt Dahlia to obtain, at all costs, including skulduggery, a silver cow creamer. At the same time he must guide the nuptials of Gussie Fink-Nottle and Madeline Bassett to a successful conclusion. Affairs are further complicated by Stiffy Byng, Stinker Pinker and assorted villains, including the infamous Spode. When all seems lost, Jeeves rides to the rescue.
