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The Works of Sir Thomas Malory

(The Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights)


Author(s):Sir Thomas Malory
Editor(s):Eugène Vinaver
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
Year Published: 1947
Type: Hardcover
Genre: Adventure
Fantasy – English
Fiction - novel
King Arthur
Age Range: Ages 9-12: Longer Chapter Books
Pages: 1742
ISBN-10: 0198123442, 0198123450, 0198123469
ISBN-13: 9780198123446, 9780198123453, 9780198123460
OCLC: 19589390


This first major work in modern English was printed by William Caxton in 1485, not long after its composition around 1470. Thus it was to great delight among readers that a nearly complete manuscript copy of the original work, very likely that used by Caxton for his edition, was discovered at Winchester in 1934.
